Where can i start i just love redecorating my room, its my own space where i can have some me time only, the only place in the whole house where im the only one who has a say in where things lie!!! my first room was when i was in school, i just loved the whole pink vibrant look, i think because school put me under so much pressure, that i needed to come back to a bright room, to get me in a happy mood again lol. My second room was towards the end of high school, i changed the colour scheme to black and red, the reason for this colour of choice is because my ultimate favourite band is The Veronicas, and black and red is incoperated in there style and what they are all about!.. My last room is a soft kinda room, i feel really relaxed while im in it.. my colour schem in my room are like champaigne, ivory a bit of silver kinda colours..... im still working on my bedroom, im not quite finished yet, yay cant wait!!!
hi mariam its ekti i really like ur room